Thanks to our supporters, we’re one step closer to a future where no one has to
choose between their safety or the safety of their pets.


nights of safety

provided to pets affected by family violence.


now safe

with their loving families.

How you can help

Donate $25 a month to give a pet a safe bed.
This provides them with everything they need while their owners find safety.

Transport to provide a national service

A warm and
safe bed


Wellbeing, exercise and rehabilitation

Reuniting them with their families


The 2018 Women's Refuge survey of women whose pets were abused as part of domestic violence found:


of their children witnessed pet abuse


had an animal killed by their partner


delayed leaving family violence out of fear for their pet's safety


would have found it easier to leave if there was a shelter offering temporary accommodation for their pets

We know having animals can make it significantly harder for people to remove themselves and their children from violent households.

Dr Ang Jury - CEO Women's Refuge New Zealand